- Common Conditions
- Neck
- Whiplash
What Is Whiplash?
Whiplash happens when your head is quickly and unexpectedly jolted forwards and then backwards which over stretches the soft tissues surrounding the neck. The most common cause of whiplash is when you are in a road traffic accident. Less commonly whiplash can occur in high impact sports such as rugby or everyday accidents such as tripping and jolting your neck.

What Are the Symptoms?
The main symptoms are pain and stiffness of the neck which doesn’t usually start instantly, it is typically worse the day following the accident. This is because it can take a while for the inflammation and bruising around the injury to develop. Other symptoms can also include reduced movement of the neck, pain in the shoulders and down the arms, headaches, dizziness or blurred vision. You must contact your doctor if any of these symptoms persist.
What May My Rehabilitation Consist Of?
- Sports Massage Therapy – Using a range of techniques to decrease swelling, increase blood flow, reduce muscle spasm and promote healing.
- Mobilisations – A manual technique used by your therapist to move the joint and soft tissues gently to open joint spaces to restore normal range and relieve pain.
- Cupping Therapy – An ancient Chinese medicine using suction cups to separate the layers of soft tissue, bring the adhesion to the surface to promote natural healing and pain relief.
- Graston Technique – Using stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue, increase blood flow, reduce pain and manipulate the fascia to aid a healthy environment for the injured tissue to heal.
- Exercise Rehab Programmes – An aftercare plan will be tailored specifically to you and your injury to help stretch, strengthen muscles and develop co-ordination and balance to aid recovery.
- Taping/Strapping – This may be used to restrict normal movement to allow the injury to heal without further damage. Kinesiology tape may be used to help support the joint without restricting movement, increase blood flow and restore proprioception awareness.
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